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Support Indie Media – Donate to This Magazine Today!
You can make a difference and we can’t do it without you. We rely on readers like you to keep us alive. If you’d like to take the next step in supporting independent, non-profit journalism, please consider making a donation. We’re a registered charity, so we will send you a tax receipt for your contribution. Here’s how you can help:
- $10 covers travel expenses to the library for research
- $25 pays the long distance charges for a feature article
- $50 funds a short article for our This & That section
- $100 covers a staff salary for one day
- $250 covers the cost of photography or illustration for our cover
- $500 covers writers¹ honorariums for the whole Arts & Ideas section for an issue
- $1000 pays to print the magazine for all our subscribers in BC
Make a donation today!